Friday, August 14, 2009

What a BUSY Week!

Summer is over and school has begun. Dalton loves Kindergaten. I love my PE classes, all girls, all day. Fun but never a dull moment. So far they have participated each day. Hopefully they will continue to do so. We had a little party after Dylan's first day back to school last Wednesday and after Dalton's on Monday. I bought cupcakes and candles and took them to the park in town for a little play time.

Mama is doing great since her foot surgery. She is a real trooper. I can't believe how much she can handle. I thought that she would really be down since she wouldn't be able to walk around but she has really stayed upbeat and handled things great. She and Daddy are handling it really well. They went to the doctor for her checkup and he said that she looks great. She's awfully bruised but not swollen at all. And her toe is now straight!!

I'll update some pics of randome things we've been doing around here. But I'll have to have a little more time to do so. Hope yall are having a great day!

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