Saturday, March 13, 2010


Dalton competed in his first TaeKwonDo tournament this afternoon. When we pulled into the school parking lot he began to get nervous. He said "I'm feeling kinda sick." We told him to do his best. I didn't expect him to get a trophy because he was competing against kids who are much more advanced than he is. He was competing against white belts and above and he's not even to the white belt status yet. Anyway....he won first place in forms! He also had to do 3 one steps (against another student), but he didn't place in those. I was so proud that he got a trophy at all, he did wonderful! So proud of Dalton.

Grand Master Chung autographed his trophy.

Dylan did well while watching Dalton. He just played with a star wars figurine the whole time. Both sets of Grandparents came to watch. We are so thankful that they were there. Way to go Dalt we love you and are SO proud of you!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well we've been sick here at the Bryant house. Dalt, Dyl and I camped out in the living room floor Friday night. About 11:30 Dyl woke up screaming and then began throwing up. This continued until Monday night. I was sick Monday but I was not affected as badly as my sweet baby. Today (Tuesday the 9th) we went to get some antinausea medication from the doc. No throw up all day!! Maybe we're on the mend. Pray that no one else gets it. Yesterday Michael came home all achey, but a good dose of Nyquil and a good night rest helped him feel much better.
I take Dylan Thursday to the eye doctor to check his eyes. He blinks a lot and really squints his eyes tightly when he blinks. Mostly this happens when he's tired or watching TV so we'll see. Maybe it's nothing.

Next week is our SPRING BREAK!! I am praying for beautiful weather. We're going to see my sisters Wednesday. We'll take our zoo of 7 children to the Birmingham zoo. I can't wait! We may go up and stay with Lee Lee Tuesday night, and then Donna has a carpal tunnel release surgery on her hands that Thursday so say an extra prayer for her and her family!

We have a lot going on, but I'm so thankful for the ability to accomplish it all!
Gotta go watch Nemo with the kiddos. Good Night!